Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hello hotties.  Literally. It's steaming out.

Today we're gonna play a little game called high/low.  I use to begin each class with this.  Every student would share one high and one low from their week.  Today, you are fortunate enough to read about the highs and lows in my life over the course of the past week.  How lucky do you feel?

Let's get the lows out of the way.  Brace yourself.

NPF4 has pneumonia.
M got a bug bite on her forehead which caused her entire face to swell.  
Swollen face resulted in puffy eyes. Puffy eyes created constant itching with dirty hands. Dirty hands + itchy eyes and the end product = conjunctivitis.  Both eyes.  Delicious.
Built-ins are a no go. Contractor reviewed my handouts and gave us an estimate.  It's not gonna happen.  Let's just say you could feed a small country with what is was going to cost for a media center and window seat. I'm taking up donations.  Please be generous.
I broke down and bought paint samples. I suck at picking paint colors.  Yes, we already knew this but I just wanted to reiterate the point. You would vomit if you saw the color samples currently on my wall.  Barf. 

Highs o' the week

My parents hosted M&N at their home for 4 nights.  Yikes.  Basically they never want to see me or my children ever again.  I can't say I blame them. 
Of those 4 nights I got to spend one night alone with the big guy. I forgot how amazing it is to sleep through the night.
My Kayce Hughes matching mama and M outfits came in the mail last week. Swoon.  Yes, I did it again.  Matching ensembles.  This can also be filed under the low for the week because I paid full price for both items and they are now on sale.  Go figure. 
My mom bought me a new pair of TB flats.  I'm pretty sure she did it because she feels bad for me. After spending 4 days with my kids I think she finally understands why I'm a lunatic. 
George Zimmerman was found not guilty. Yes. Yes. Yes. 

In case you were curious. C'mon - you know you are.

That's all folks. Stay cool. xox

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