Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thirty Percent

It gives me great pleasure to report that I'm on my way to achieving my goal.  Tuesday evening I gave my contractor these lovely handouts.  Yes, handouts. Each picture was numbered and on a separate sheet of paper I outlined the exact piece o' furniture I wanted him to create from the various images below.  My design includes a few components from each pic.  OMG. How fun is this????  I cannot wait to show you the final product.  I'm falling back in love with my house all over again.  What a feeling.  Now if I could just fall back in love all over again with the big guy. Who brought the funny gal?

Okay, here's the deal.  I'm having a built-in entertainment center created for the back wall in our new family room.  We don't have a fireplace in this new space {but I did just custom order new tile for the fireplace in our old family room}.  I'll post about that add on project at another time.   30% can you hear me coming?  I digress.  So, built-in stand for the TV because I HATE wall mounted TV's.  Don't ask me why because I don't have an answer. I just do. TV stand, bookshelves and storage space - that is the goal.

The lovelies below are pictures for the window seat  I'm having built for my bedroom.  I'm going to have a window seat. Yah!  Yes! Yipee!  I adore window seats.  Can you sense my excitement? This also means I'll get to pick out fabric for pillows and a cushion.  OMG. OMG. OMG.  30% is so within my reach. 

Never underestimate a gal armed with her husband's BOA card that spends hours upon hours on Pinterest.  I can and will achieve my goal. xox

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