Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mission Possible

Our contractor told us last week that we haven't gone a penny over budget.  Der. Of course we are not a penny over budget.  The big guy is financial planner extraordinaire. At first I though this was pretty cool. As the day progressed and this tid bit o' information had time to resonate I became annoyed.  Very annoyed.

Aren't you supposed to go over budget by 20%?  Why can't we be like everyone else in the world and spend 20% more than we anticipated?  Truly, you have no idea how this angers me.  So much so that my new mission in life is to go over budget. Screw 20%. I'm setting my sights higher. 30% here I come. No, I have not shared this goal with the big guy.  Sssh.  I need to make this happen. I will make this happen. 

I'll start with this for my bedroom. I need two.  A little multiplication: $1,575 x 2 = $3,150. Can you even handle the AMAZING-NESS of this semi-flush mount?  

For M's room.  $1,175. SWOON.
 I will not fail. There is light at the end of this tunnel. 30% - I can do it! xox

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