Wednesday, January 9, 2013

signs signs...

everywhere the signs.

Okay friends true story - my dad can confirm.

Today we had a realtor open house.  I hopped in the Volvo with dad, NPF4 and the Wheaten terror. Drove around M'head for a little over an hour with the dog barking the entire time.  Torture. My dog is the absolute worst.  Sad. But. True.

When I got sick of driving around I pulled up to my house and decided to bust in on all the fun.  Why not?  It is my home after all.  My realtor and another realtor were in the kitchen.  Hellos, introductions blah blah blah.

So this unknown realtor (I didn't catch her name) comments on my WINDOW TREATMENTS. Yup, I'm feeling pretty cool at this point.  Where did I buy the fabric? Who made them?  No joke. It's a sign folks.  After my tirade yesterday it's definitely a sign. I think I've found my home - I'm sitting in it right now.

I'll keep you ABREAST (best word evah) of the situation. Today's sign may mean the removal of another sign - the one sitting on my front lawn.

Oh, if we do end up selling this house it comes with a free gift. He is seven, has four legs, doesn't shed and his name is Brody. A real treat.

Nite nite. xox

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