Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pretty Little Liar

I commute into the city 3 days a week for work.  Scratch that - it's more like 1.5 days a week because my kids are always sick. Barf. Today was no different than any other day except that it took every ounce of my being not to roll down my window and yell at each and every female runner I passed along the way on my drive to workies.

I so desperately wanted to beep my horn, startle them and scream "I'm faster than you!"  "I'm faster than you with a jogging stroller and I'm way faster than you without one." "Wanna race?"  I was contemplating screaming these sentiments at the top of my lungs as I cruised through M'head, Swampscott, Lynn and Revere in my wagon.  Bitter? Just a tad.  

Tomorrow I hope I don't see anyone running on my commute in.  I want these women to sit on their respective couches, eat chocolate frosted donuts and get fat.  Really fat.

Clearly I haven't mastered the art of letting go just yet....

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