Thursday, May 3, 2012

Derby Time

Morning.  Kentucky Derby par-tay this weekend, which means I need to get all gussied up.  Here's the run down on how this typically works...

I surf the web for hours on end in search of the perfect ensemble 
Find the perfect ensemble (and usually a few other goodies as well)
After I construct the perfect online outfit THEN I look at the prices
Despite the fact that I cannot afford this ensemble I still ask my hubby for his BOA card
Sometimes he says yes and sometimes he says no -depends on his mood
If yes, I'm thrilled
If no, I resort to my Nordy's CC
I wear this perfect ensemble ONCE
Then I do it all over again next time I need to get all dolled up

Problems of a shopping addict.  Waaa.

Anyway, here are some of my ideas.... 

That's all I got for you today.  Not very interesting.  Sorry.  Enjoy the race. xox


Leigh said...

Can we buy a hat together. I want one too. I wish i was at the derby

Kristine Ord Giarrusso said...

Wish we were the same size. I'd be happy to take your one and done hand-me-downs.