Hello. No time for nonsense today. I've got TONS of important stuff to write. Pay attention.
So I asked the big guy for 2K in cash yesterday. Obviously he asked why. Seriously, can't he just fork over the loot? Does he not realize that his life and mine would be much easier if he didn't ask questions. Annoying. I tell him I need to start planning our September cookout. His response - oh, I thought you were going to do something responsible like pay off the remainder of your graduate school loans. My response - why would I do that? The end. Convo over. Okay, so this conversation clearly did not go in the direction I was hoping. Stay tuned because this is what I do know:
I am having a cookout
I am having a cookout
I am having a cookout
The big guy is funding said cookout
Now that we've settled that let's move on to my cookout/clambake vision. You've seen me write this before and it still holds true - what I want and what I get are typically two very different things. Here's what I'm envisioning. Lobstah, extra butter, salty meat, booze and steel drums. Sheer perfection. Can you see it?
For those of you lucky enough to be at my wedding - steel drums.
Busting a move during the cocktail reception. Hi mom. What a hot ticket.
Now that you know my vision, it's time to share....
Seriously, for being a totes thorn in my side he truly is a handsome devil. Awe. How sweet.
Now show me the money!!!
That's all folks. Stay tuned to see how this all unfolds. Or just go wait by your mailbox for the invite because I AM HAVING A COOKOUT. xox
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