I've never been a huge fan of V day. The color red makes me crazy. It's kind of ugly. Red home decor and red clothing = gross. Although red is a staple if you're planning a nautical themed room. So perhaps red in moderation?? Anyway, I spent my V day at the hospital with my wee one. Ugh. Oh, and I didn't even get my hubby a card. File that under worst wife evah.
So, a day late (ok, a week late) and a dollar short I will finally blog about Valentine's day. Despite my immense hatred for the color red I have managed to find some tolerable pics. Lie. Very tolerable.
I'm seeing red...
Skip to the loo...
Let's eat.
Well, If you say so Kate...
If my home ever looked as pretty as these pics then my bank account would be in the RED. Ha, pretty clever. xox
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