Lots to discuss today so I'm gonna jump right in. Health food fanatics - GO AWAY. Spare yourself. Truly, you will be horrified if you read any further. This post is dedicated to processed meat. Salty. Wholesome.Goodness.
Stuffing your face in style. Yes, it's possible and quite simple too. Accessorize. If you throw on a few key pieces you'll be slothin' in style. No, slothin' is not part of the English language for all you grammar geeks but it's my language and quite appropriate given the topic of discussion today.
Distract em' with jewels. This is crucial. Take the focus away from the grease dripping down your chin with bracelets, bangles or rings. I'm partial to bracelets. Stack a few DY's and your good to go. These 3 pieces rarely leave my bod and are clutch when I'm sitting at Kelly's with 3 grilled cheese sandwiches in front of me.
And no, you don't need to sport DY to sloth in style. Whatever suits your fancy. Just accessorize. That is the bottom line here. It really makes all the difference when overindulging in processed meats and cheeses.
My next piece o' advice. Sport a scarf. A scarf always adds a little somethin' somethin' to your ensemble. Actually, it serves dual roles. 1) it spruces up an outfit 2) you can use it to wipe your mouth when that grease starts a drippin' or when your fingers are coated in ketchup. Wicked. Smart.
And now for my fav tasty treats.
Grilled. Gooey. Goodness. |
Peal Hot Dogs. Devine. |
Second best food evah...after hot dogs. |
Need. ASAP. |
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