Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sliding Doors

I. Love. Barns.  Probably because I'm a beast and should be confined to one.  Whatever the case rustic elements make me smile.  I've been unsuccessful in trying to convince my hubby that we need barn doors in our house.  Where?  I don't know.  But we need them. According to him our house is not big enough. My response - let's buy a bigger house. Again, who brought the smart gal.

Bright & Bold

Slide on over...

 Well hello.  You can slide my way anytime.

Sliding barn doors.  Super fun.  Maybe my hubby will just slide out of my way and let me hang some of these beauties in our home.  Stay tuned. xox

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

will you....

be part of my wolf pack?

Kate. Tory. David. Worship.  These beauties are definitely the three best friends that anyone could have. xox  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Derby Time

Morning.  Kentucky Derby par-tay this weekend, which means I need to get all gussied up.  Here's the run down on how this typically works...

I surf the web for hours on end in search of the perfect ensemble 
Find the perfect ensemble (and usually a few other goodies as well)
After I construct the perfect online outfit THEN I look at the prices
Despite the fact that I cannot afford this ensemble I still ask my hubby for his BOA card
Sometimes he says yes and sometimes he says no -depends on his mood
If yes, I'm thrilled
If no, I resort to my Nordy's CC
I wear this perfect ensemble ONCE
Then I do it all over again next time I need to get all dolled up

Problems of a shopping addict.  Waaa.

Anyway, here are some of my ideas.... 

That's all I got for you today.  Not very interesting.  Sorry.  Enjoy the race. xox

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Howdy on this dreary Tuesday afternoon.  Below are some jewels I'm currently coveting.  I only included necklaces and bracelets because just how I feel everyone should drive a Volvo I also think that diamonds and pearls are the only acceptable accessories for the ear.  As for your fingers, anything other than diamond rings is simply unacceptable.  Not kidding.  DY if you are reading this - you are still my number one love and I  STRONGLY believe that all females should be dripping from head to toe in your jewels.  I'm just diversifying.  Nice word choice huh?

Anthro never disappoints



Hi Tory. 

Wrap Bracelets.  Worship.

Loving this J Crew number

 Hoping these beauties be-jeweled your day.  xox